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Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14 -Taos, New Mexico

Alan Teague, Dan/Jackie Erwin, Bill/Sandy Parks, Treasure

Sorry to be so long to update my blog...When we were at 3 Rivers Resort in Almont, Co. we had no internet connection...then the next two nights we were in Durango and the connection was so slow I could not download pictures.  So.  I am going to post most of the pictures on Facebook, (it is much quicker) but I will try to catch you up on our travels.

On Sunday, 10th we traveled to Three Rivers Resort in Almont, Co.  We are 10 couples and a group went rafting in the Taylor River and Alan and I with two other couples went for a Hot Air Balloon ride.  We left at 6:45 on Monday morning.  This was one of the things on my bucket list and it did not disappoint.  The sun coming through the clouds was glorious.  It was a clear day and you could see forever. 

On Monday evening the resort fixed us a cookout...ribs and chicken and all the trimmings, topped off with S'mores (sp) over an open fire.  Our accomodations at this resort were small was a different experience...very memorable.
On Tuesday we drove to Durango and stayed at the Historic Statler Hotel.  Tuesday we had a very nice group dinner at the Hotel..on Wed. morning we went to Mesa Verde National Park to tour the cave dwellers. 
After touring the park, we had a special lunch at the lodge in the park called Metate...It was a delicious meal of Southwestern Fare.  During lunch we had a park narator tell us all about the people that inhabited the caves 2000 years ago.  I am including a picture of our entree:
tortilla encrusted turkey cutlet

our cars at an overlook in Mesa Verde

When we got back to the hotel we had dinner on our own before going to a Play at the Statler Theater..."The Pursuit of Happiness".  it was very funny and we all walked back next door to the hotel to call it a night and get up tomorrow and drive to Taos, NM.  That is all the time I have right now...we have dinner at the Historic Taos Inn in a little bit and Alan said I have to get ready.  

I hate to even say this....but the cars are all running well and we have had no problems.  The weather is cool in the mornings and evenings and warmer in the day with afternoon showers...but the weather has not curtailed any of our fun.  I am beginning to dread the drive home.  Hopefully the heat wave will let up before we leave on Sunday.

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