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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 4 - Garden City, Kansas

these are just a few of the wind turbines

Pat gets ready to go.

This is the guy that wanted to have his picture made in our car last night.
We left Pittsburg, Kansas this morning at 7:00.  We will go through Wichita, traveling on highway 400 all the way.  There were wheat fields on one side of the road as far as you could see and corn on the other...The land is flat..mostly farm land...few towns, filling stations (we found a porta john in the middle of a field for a necessary stop). When we went through Beaumont, Kansas there were many windmill farms...they were so graceful...I wanted to just stop and watch them turn...but the day was calling and the temp. was rising.  At one point the temp. in the car was 110 degrees. 
In the middle is the hand dug well...
We ate lunch in a town called Greenburg.  This town was totally distroyed by a tornado 4 years ago.  It has been rebuilt and they really did a great job.  There was a picture of the town right after the tornado and there was nothing left...They are building a huge museum in town and one of it's claims to fame is the largest hand dug well...

After lunch our cars didn't  really want to start...but finally they did start and we were on our way...We had not been 20 miles when our car starting running really badly.  We could not go more that 35 or 40.  We stopped and changed the gas filters and Alan and Wright did everything they knew to do and nothing seemed to this time we were 40 miles from the hotel...We were trying to decide if we should just limp on in to the hotel or  call AAA.  The temp. was 104 but fortunately it was overcast...We made three stops trying to fix stuff...There were no stations or shade trees for many miles.  Finally we decided to just try to make it to the hotel...Wright called Carl Brown and he said he thought we had bad gas...get more at the first opportunity.  All this time Davie and Jan Burgdorf were following us in their Mercedes with the flashers on.  Long story short...we got new gas, put in a octane booster and headed the 3 miles to the hotel.  Alan went back over everything that had been done on the road to make sure connections were good...The car seemed to be running good...We drove it to dinner and it is running right...Pray for tomorrow...268 miles to Colorado Springs.....
It's late, we are tired...bedtime...Goodnight

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you made it yesterday. We saw a special on the rebuilding of Greenburg. They were trying to get the whole town to go green. Very interesting. Guess you are in Colorado Springs now. Looking forward to pictures and comments.
